I just spent last last 24+ hours with a sick daughter who was starting to have little patience with her hospital stay. She has Rhino virus infections in her lungs and it was causing her to wheeze.
She would have these fits of just wanting to leave, to just pick up and get out of the hospital, that broke my heart. I couldn’t take her out though I did consider asking for discharge. The doctors urged us to keep her there, so she’s there tonight with my wife.
I was determined not to leave her side but I too was becoming emotionally unraveled. Sukie offered to stay in a ‘you should probably get out of this situation’ kind of way.
My children and my wife are the most valuable things to me. I’m trying to describe how valuable these people are to me, but I guess the closest I could come to is this: I would not be who I am without them. I place a high value on their support and being able to support them.
I’m so wrecked right now but I wanted to put it down. Being in the situation is harder than we have words to describe it. I feel like if I tried it wouldn’t come out right.
I will be glad when all my family is at home again.
I greatly appreciate all the kind words, support, and acts of love we have received. Thank you all.